The official letter to Greece

From the Egyptian People to the President of the Hellenic Republic and the Prime Minister: 

At the outset, we would like to consolidate the diplomatic and political concept of relations between States. The most beneficial relations are equal relations nurtured and guaranteed by people.

On November 8, 2014, Greece convened the Kalamata summit between Egypt, Cyprus, and Greece, through which Egypt’s usurper, the tyrannical general, abandoned the gas wells of Cyprus and Israel.  This agreement  accorded with the Israeli infrastructure map that Greece published in 2011, which made the disputed gas wells between it and Egypt in the eastern Mediterranean the monopoly of Tel Aviv. The agreement also means that Greek territorial waters will stretch between Egypt and Turkey in a strip twice the size of Egypt’s delta, according to some Greek newspapers, and in an area that may be rich in natural gas fields in the eastern Mediterranean, which is one of the most promising mines of wealth. This is a waste of the wealth of the Egyptian people, which no ruler has the right to squander.  The result was Egypt’s transformation from a gas exporter to a country that imports gas from Israel in 2019. In August 2020, Egypt and Greece signed an agreement to demarcate maritime borders in the eastern Mediterranean, which was described as a new concession by Sisi of sites containing huge gas wealth. In July 2022, the disparity in reactions over the revenues of the gas agreement concluded between Egypt, Israel, and the European Union raised questions about the extent to which Egypt will benefit from the deal.  Observers asserted that Tel Aviv is the biggest winner, and that Egypt’s anticipated gains had been exaggerated. Ceding the Leviathan and Aphrodite fields to Israel and Cyprus lost Egypt $320 billion, and ceding Egypt’s maritime borders to Greece would cause Egypt to lose $6 billion. This is because Israel sells gas to Egypt from the Tamara field in Lebanese waters in the Mediterranean, and to Jordan from Leviathan in Egypt’s borders. Sisi’s suspicious alliance with Cyprus, Greece, and Israel is an alliance that works against the interests of Egyptians and is a crime of high treason that does not fall under any statute of limitations. The Israeli Leviathan fields and the Cyprus Aphrodite fields fall within Egypt’s exclusive economic waters, and by signing the agreement with Cyprus, Sisi has admitted to waiving Egypt’s rights to those resources.

Given these facts,  we do not recognize all the agreements that the tyrannical general has entered into with Greece.The facts prove Sisi’s negligence with the Egypt’s natural resources and wealth. All the agreements concluded by Sisi are invalidated by the Egyptian Constitution under the following articles:

Article 1 

The Arab Republic of Egypt is a sovereign, united, indivisible State, where no part may be given up, having a democratic republican system that is based on citizenship and the rule of law. The Egyptian people are part of the Arab nation seeking to enhance its integration and unity. Egypt is part of the Islamic world, belongs to the African continent, cherishes its Asian dimension, and contributes to building human civilization.

Article 32 

The State’s natural resources belong to the people. The State shall preserve and effectively exploit them, may not deplete them, and shall observe the rights of future generations to them. The State shall make the best use of renewable energy sources, motivate investment therein, and encourage relevant scientific research. The State shall encourage the manufacture of raw materials and increase their added value as per economic feasibility. Disposing of the State’s public properties is prohibited. Granting the right of exploitation of natural resources or public utility concessions shall be by law for a period not exceeding thirty (30) years. Granting the right of exploitation of quarries, small mines, and slatterns, or granting public utility concession shall be based on law for a period not exceeding fifteen (15) years. The Law shall define provisions for disposing of the State’s private properties as well as the regulating rules and procedures.

Article 34Public properties are inviolable and may not be infringed upon. Protection thereof is a duty according to the Law.

Article 45

The State shall protect its seas, shores, lakes, waterways, and natural protectorates. Trespassing, polluting or misusing any of them is prohibited. Every citizen is guaranteed the right of enjoying them. The State shall protect and develop the green space in the urban areas; preserve plant, animal and fish resources and protect those under the threat of extinction or danger; guarantee humane treatment of animals, all according to the law.

Article 151

The President of the Republic shall represent the State in its foreign relations and conclude treaties and ratify them after the approval of the House of Representatives. Such treaties shall acquire the force of law following their publication in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution. Voters must be called for referendum on the treaties related to making peace and alliance, and those related to the rights of sovereignty. Such treaties shall only be ratified after the announcement of their approval in the referendum. In all cases, no treaty may be concluded which is contrary to the provisions of the Constitution or which results in ceding any part of state territories.

Accordinglyg, the Egyptian people do not recognize any agreements that Sisi has signed with Greece because they explicitly violate the Egyptian Constitution and because they deprive current and future generations of Egyptians of the wealth that enables them to live with dignity. The Egyptian people, after establishing a just democratic government, will immediately regain all their usurped rights by all possible means guaranteed to them by international laws and norms in dealing with the illegal occupation or seizure of their lands.  Finally, the Egyptian people may one day get sick, but they don’t die.

A legal committee, comprised of the main signatories to this letter,  will prepare files of the various cases to be established when the time come., Through an international legal office, the committee  will prove each claim and demand the return of these resources and assets to the people of Egypt. In accordance with  and based upon the theory of emergency, force majeure, or exceptional circumstances, the Egyptian people have the right to object to any contract that affects Egypt’s land, resources, or national security..  



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