Avaz petition

Save Egypt Before the Explosion

To the Great Egyptian People:

We have sent letters to the rulers of Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Ethiopia, Greece, and Cyprus, demanding that they return what they have stolen from our wealth, land, and resources using the help of a ruler who sold the homeland for the sake of false legitimacy. We warned them that the Egyptian people will not rest until all their usurped rights are restored. 

We call on you to make all our voices heard by reaching more than a million signatures on this petition. Your voices will  pressure these countries and the corrupt tyrannical general to return our looted wealth.

First: Saudi Arabia

In violation of the Egyptian constitution, Sisi ceded the islands of Tiran and Sanafir to Saudi Arabia without presenting the matter to the Egyptian people through a popular referendum, which referendum is required as by the Egyptian constitution in  Articles 1 and 151. 

Before the cession of Tiran and Sanafir, the total area of Egypt was about 1,001,449 square kilometers. This included the Sinai Peninsula, which covers an area of about 61,100 square kilometers. After the ceding of Tiran and Sanafir, Egypt’s total area decreased to about 995,458 square kilometers. This represents a decrease of about 6,000 square kilometers (2,300 square miles) or 0.6% of Egypt’s total area.

Second: UAE 

In violation of Articles 32, 34, 43, 127 and 151 of the Egyptian Constitution, the UAE has taken control of lands and projects that threaten Egypt’s national security, demonstrating that it plays a suspicious role in Egypt. This is evidenced by the fact that when Dubai Ports took over the management of Ain Sokhna Port (the largest and most important port on the Red Sea), the project was supposed to be the opening of a series of major projects, but the storage capacity of trucks passing through the port decreased from 570,000 trucks to only 500,000 trucks. Management was entrusted to DP through a 2008 agreement under which it acquired a 90% stake. They also froze the development projects of the promising channel axis immediately after the coup. Then comes the UAE’s acquisition of the city of Ras al-Hikma on the Mediterranean Sea to demonstrate the danger of the UAE’s interference in Egyptian affairs and the manipulation of the coup’s leaders to control the resources of the Egyptian people. The UAE has taken advantage of the stifling economic crisis that is plaguing  Egypt by ushering into power a tyrannical general who would  implement the UAE’s strategies to control the heart of the Arab region, Cairo. This strategy starts with the medical sector and passes through the Land of Wisdom project to extend the UAE’s control over the Egyptian people through the economy.

Third: Ethiopia

In violation of Articles 1-32-44-45-151 of the Egyptian Constitution, Ethiopia took advantage of the lack of international legitimacy of Egypt’s leader  by building the Renaissance Dam on the Nile River, depriving Egypt of its water revolution and endangering the lives of its people, its water, and national security. The Renaissance Dam represents an existential threat to Egypt. If these practices continue in parallel with a prolonged drought, more than one million and one hundred thousand people may leave the labor market, and Egypt will lose  approximately 15 percent of its agricultural area, doubling Egypt’s food imports bill. The agricultura; sector is the  source of livelihood for more than 50 percent of the population, and Egypt has a water deficit 120 billion cubic meters ( 55 percent of its water needs). The Egyptian people do not recognize any agreement that detracts from their legitimate rights and will strive to recover all their usurped rights. 

Fourth: Greece 

In violation of Articles 1, 32, 34, 45 and 151 of the Egyptian Constitution, Greece and Cyprus exploited the deposed leader of Egypt to acquire the largest part of Egypt’s share in Eastern Mediterranean gas. Greece and Cyprus signed invalid agreements with the overthrown leader of  Egypt,  depriving the Egyptian people of more than $325 billion worth ofEastern Mediterranean gas wealth. Instead of Eastern Mediterranean Gas benefiting the lives of Egyptians, Egypt was forced to import gas from Israel, which cost Egyptianshuge sums. 

Fifth: Cyprus 

In violation of Articles 1, 32, 34, 45 and 151 of the Egyptian Constitution, Cyprus and Greece exploited the deposed leader  of Egypt to acquire the largest part of Egypt’s share in Eastern Mediterranean gas. Greece and Cyprus  signed invalid agreements with the overthrown  leader of Egypt, depriving the Egyptian people of more than $ 325 billion worth of  Eastern Mediterranean gas wealth.  Instead of Eastern Mediterranean Gas benefiting the lives of Egyptians, Egypt was forced to import gas from Israel, which cost Egyptians huge sums. 

According to the Egyptian Constitution, the foundations of international relations and international laws and norms, no ruler should waste the resources of his people, their wealth and national security to serve the interests of countries that helped him ascend topower. These countries should not have dealt in this way that is contrary to international morals and norms and also contrary to international laws that establish relations between countries. It is incumbent upon the president of  any country in the world to preserve that country’s national security, wealth and capabilities, not to waste them. The president governs according to the constitution, the laws and the wishes of the people and has no power to make any decisions without reference to the electorate. The Egyptian people did not delegate to their president the power to compromise Egypt’s resources. The president rules and does not own. 

A legal committee, comprised of  the main signatories to this letter,  will prepare files of the various cases to be established when the time comes. Through an international legal office, the committee  will prove each case and demand the return of these resources and assets to the people of Egypt. In accordance with and based upon the theory of emergency, force majeure, or exceptional circumstances, the Egyptian people have the right to object to any contract that affects Egypt’s land, resources, or national security.  

The signatories of this petition affirm the following:

  • We reject all agreements that diminish Egypt’s area and assets because they endanger Egypt’s national security.
  • In particular, we call on the UAE not to interfere in Egyptian affairs and not to tamper with Egypt’s national security. 

To every Egyptian who is jealous of his homeland, please send letters to the concerned countries and the attached contact details.

For anyone who wants to support this idea, you can copy the letter addressed to the country with copies of the email and send it to:

Saudi Arabia 

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