Chattanoogan Protests in Egypt

One Chattanooga man has just returned home after spending two months protesting the Egyptian government. With the collapse of international attempts at mediating between the army-installed government and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, both sides are gearing up for confrontation.Mohamed Ahmed traveled to the Middle East in June to fight for democracy. Once he arrived, he decided to start a movement of his own. I decided by myself to call my friends in different countries like England and Ireland. I said do you guys think we could start a movement?Ahmed organized the group known as Egyptians Abroad for Democracy. Their main goal is to spread America’s philosophy.What I learned here in the states I wanted to preach it over there. To respect other people’s opinion. I have spent most of my life here in this great country. I learned democracy here. I learned freedom here, says Ahmed.Ahmed believes that living in both countries has allowed him to have a unique perspective on the Egyptian Protests.Living abroad will make you see the whole picture from the outside and can make you understand.From sit-ins to marches in city squares, Ahmed’s group has collected thousands of followers. You know when you lead a road and you see your second country getting out of corruption and getting back to the right path and all of a sudden it’s been assassinated and someone takes you back again -60 years.